Aspire to Inspire & Be A Sales “Super Hero”
Create more Meaningful Relationships, Increased Happiness and Abundant Success as you Love, Serve & Aspire to Inspire others..
Customers need to be Inspired. We all want less process and more Connection, less education and more Motivation, less advice and suggestions and more Service & Inspiration.
BE PRESENT. We cherish those rare opportunities to spend time with someone who is completely tuned into and focused on simply listening to what we think and how we feel. Those you meet will always remember the person who showed a genuine interest in getting to know them. People value those who listen more than they talk and unselfishly offer their full undivided attention. In the process, you will feel great as well.
BREATH DEEPLY. You can feel more relaxed, be calmer and more confident as you address your challenges, fears and anxieties by remembering to breathe deeply as often as possible. You can help yourself and others de-stress and relax, as you model this important health & meditation exercise and suggest others Breath Deeply as often as possible.
BE GRATEFUL. Remember to have an attitude of gratitude and remember everything you have been given. Expressing gratitude will give you a different perspective as fear is replaced with confidence and challenges appear as opportunities. As you show daily appreciation for everything you have you are instantly blessed with even more to be thankful for.
LIVE WITH INTENTION. Live with intention and dream big, make positive choices, plan for resistance and always move forward. Our time on earth is too precious to waste even a moment pursuing meaningless pursuits that do not build our character and capacity. Discover and exemplify the real you by identifying, clarifying and prioritizing your true values. Choose your thoughts carefully and proactively create the positive feelings and a meaningful future
BE FEARLESS. Fear is the number one barrier to living confidently. We are all fearful but you can overcome fear by focusing on service and loving others. Embrace fear, because fear is a necessary component of growth and positive change. You have this one life right now, and it will come to an end on some day in the future. What’s the point of living it in fear? There are great things to do! Just do them.
You can reach out to or reach Will Nowell directly at [email protected] or (602) 284-0124.
Will Nowell is the President of Peak Performance MS and ValueMatch Plus. Peak Performance Mystery Shopping is a premier provider of mystery shopping services. William Nowell has been providing sales consulting and training in the retirement industry for more than 20 years. Will is the author of the best-selling book, ValueMatch Selling.